Floradix, Herbal-Fruit Elixir With Iron, 250 Ml

Herbal-fruit elixir with iron is the perfect addition to everyday nutrition to provide the optimal amount of iron needed by our body to transport oxygen. 

Package Quantity: 250 ml

Origin: Germany

Ingredients: view description


Are you tired?
Most people would say yes.
Fatigue is one of the main factors suggestive of iron deficiency in the body. Iron is also a key element for the transport and retention of oxygen in cells, for processes in tissues, for building hemoglobin. Floradix Herbal Blood is the perfect supplement in your daily routine to maintain optimal iron levels while absorbing as much as possible from natural organic sources. Produced from selected fruits and herbs rich in vitamins and minerals, which take into account primarily iron-containing herbs and fruits.
Iron is actually one of the most important and essential elements in the body.


What is important for iron in our body?

Iron is a component of hemoglobin, and it is the element of red blood cells, thanks to which every tissue or organ in the body receives its vital oxygen. Iron is a component of a number of enzymes and proteins; plays a key role in the growth processes in the body; prevents fatigue - tissues that do not receive oxygen quickly fall into a state of fatigue; has a direct bearing on muscle strength and endurance and good physical shape, as it is involved in the synthesis of myoglobin - "muscle hemoglobin" - the oxygen-transporting structure in skeletal muscle and heart muscle.


What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?

Fatigue for no real reason. Pale skin and mucous membranes. Brittle nails. Exhausted hair and increased hair loss. Lack of energy and tone. Cracked lips. Cold feet and hands. Muscle weakness. Headache, dizziness, apathy, depression, helplessness, decreased ability to concentrate, and in more severe cases shortness of breath and palpitations with physical exertion. All these symptoms appear relatively late. When the deficit is not severe, it is quite insidious and if a person does not listen to his body - he may not feel the problem for a long time. Everyone has a certain amount of iron in the body as a reserve that the body uses in stressful situations. The depots where this stock is stored in the body are the spleen, liver and bone marrow. The amount of iron that every healthy person has in their body is maintained by the daily diet. Iron deficiency is diagnosed by examining its content in the blood, as well as hemoglobin. However, blood tests will show such a shortage only when the iron supply in the three depots (mentioned above) is depleted. Considering the symptoms that are not acute in milder conditions, it is no coincidence that this initial period of increased iron needs is called "hidden iron deficiency". This condition is much more common in women, and vegetarians and vegans are also vulnerable. The next very important issue is the absorption of iron taken as a supplement.


How is iron absorbed by the body?

Iron as an element is relatively difficult to digest. Under normal conditions, the body of a healthy person absorbs 10-15% of the iron intake, which maintains a normal supply of the element in the spleen, liver and bone marrow. In case of increased needs, with the same amount of iron taken in, this percentage can reach 60-70% or even 90%, and this depends a lot on the specific condition, the specific organism and the quality of the supplement. In order to be dissolved in the stomach and reach the small intestine, from where it enters the blood, the form of iron is of great importance. The easiest to absorb, taking into account the acidic environment of the stomach, is iron gluconate or so-called iron II. It is easier to absorb and faster to absorb. However, for this to happen, some additional substances are needed, such as amino acids, proteins, vitamin C - necessary for the absorption of iron. The very origin of iron and the complexes in which it is associated are also important. For example, spinach is famous for its high iron content, but it is in complex with the phosphates and phytates contained in green leafy vegetables, complexes that are practically insoluble in the body. The iron absorbed by spinach is incomparable with the actual content. The most recognizable and easily absorbed by the human body, this is any substance of organic origin, many times better than synthetically created. Healthy and good digestion is essential for good absorption - what we need to take care of is breaking down the complexes containing iron in the stomach, reaching the element to the small intestine, where it is absorbed into the blood. That is why good digestion is essential!


What amount to take as a supplement?

The protein that transports iron through the wall of the small intestine has its own capacity, studied and established at 12 mg per day. As mentioned earlier, iron is absorbed in different percentages depending on its quality and accompanying substances, current needs, the state of the digestive system. When taking larger daily doses (from the optimal 12 mg daily for an adult man) this rate of absorption is unlikely to increase, but the amount of undigested iron is certainly. This guarantees us the side effects of undigested iron such as constipation, black stools, darkening of the teeth and more. To get the maximum effect we must pay attention to its better absorption, namely: iron gluconate of organic origin, amino acids, fruit acids and vitamin C, well-functioning digestive system, optimal amount of iron (12 mg per day)!


Recommendations for admission:

Precisely due to the already mentioned hidden iron deficiency, the recommendations for taking iron as a dietary supplement vary from one course (2-3 months) per year, in 2-3 courses per year, to year-round intake of iron as a dietary supplement for women. However, all specialists are unanimous about the increased needs for this element in periods such as: severe illness and recovery from serious illness; operations and recovery after operations; blood loss, regardless of the cause; pregnancy - important for the health of the mother and for the new organism being built; postpartum recovery - natural or operative; breastfeeding - important for the health of mother and baby; growth - adolescents need several times more iron than a healthy adult; active sports; very strict diets, etc.

Pregnancy, breast-feeding and iron needs: Often during pregnancy, women need to take extra iron. During this period, the needs of the element in the body increase, and at not so good levels, it is easy to go through a hidden iron deficiency to low levels of iron in the blood.

Interaction of iron with food: As already mentioned, it is important when taking iron as a dietary supplement is its absorption. What are the most important substances that help and those that hinder its absorption?

The most important substances that promote the absorption of iron are amino acids, proteins, fruit acids and vitamin C. You can safely drink your food supplement with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. Thus, in addition to helping the absorption of iron, you will also bring vitamins and mood to your body.

Main substances that interfere with the absorption of iron: tannins, vitamin E, calcium. Foods you should avoid when eating iron are: coffee, black tea, green tea, red wine, dark chocolate, tannin-containing products. Caffeine itself stimulates blood circulation and would promote the absorption of iron, but most foods containing caffeine also contain tannins, so it is best to avoid them. Also dairy products due to the content of calcium and vitamin E, as well as multivitamin complexes containing vitamin E. To avoid these foods means not to take with iron supplements. You do not need to give them up, but it is mandatory to leave at least 2 hours between taking the supplement and the food.


What does Floradix Herbal Blood contain?

In the herbal-fruit formula of Floradix Herbal Blood are added herbal extracts specially selected to strengthen the stomach and digestion such as dill. In addition to good digestion, in order to absorb iron, iron must be taken simultaneously with some other element

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